90 Union Avenue Manasquan, NJ 08736

732-223-0287 - FAX: 732-528-1901


Ministry Listings

ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY:  The primary purpose of the Altar Rosary Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Members recite the rosary after the 7:30 am Mass. They also maintain a reverential setting for parishioners to worship at St. Denis taking care of the sanctuary, altar linens, vestments and sacristy.

ALTAR SERVERS:  Dedicated boys and girls in grades three through high school assist the priest at the Eucharist. For more information or to apply please call the rectory office at 732-223-0287.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: The St. Denis Bereavement Support Group welcomes those who would like to share the insights and challenges of mourning a loved one. The group meets Thursday mornings, 10:00 am- 11:00 am, in the Parish Center.  Contact Eileen Ziesmer at 732-223-0287 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information and upcoming meeting dates.

CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS:  The Catholic Daughters, founded in 1903,  is one of the largest Catholic women's organizations in the world.  CDA, Court St. Denis has annual Flower sales at Christmas and Easter to provide a scholarship for a young woman entering a Catholic high school. The Court also provides First Communion outfits to families in need, collects and delivers items needed by the Tutwiler Clinic in Mississippi, serves a dinner at The Center in Asbury Park, supports the Henry B. King Medical Brigade, participates in Family Promise by making dinners for people living in motels, and adopts a family in need at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Many CDA members volunteer at the parish's St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Meetings are on the second Thursday of the month (except July & August) in the Parish Center at 6:00 pm.  New members are always welcome!

C.C.D / RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:  Our Religious Education Program assists parents in the religious and spiritual education of their children by preparing children to receive the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation.  For information please call the Religious Education Office at 732-223-1161.

ELIZABETH  MINISTRY:  This is a women's ministry with a mission to support and encourage families during childbearing years and beyond, cherish children, and build community among women and families in our parish.  Support is offered to couples experiencing infertility, miscarriage, and other family difficulties.  Annual efforts include the Blessing for Pregnant Women and Couples Hoping to Conceive or Adopt a Child, the Mothers' Memorial Mass, and the annual Baby and Children's Clothing/Goods Giveaway.  Women in all stages of life are always welcome to join this ministry. 

FOOD PANTRY:  Available for those in need of food and other material assistance.  Pantry hours are every Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 pm and every third and fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00 am-12:00 noon (the pantry will not be open on the 4th Saturday of August).

GRANDPARENTS' GUILD:  The members of the Grandparents' Guild are committed to passing on their Catholic Faith to their grandchildren through the example of their devotion to the Church and by modeling a Christian way of life. Grandparents gather to share "best practices" of grandparenting and to encourage each other. Meetings are held once a month on a Saturday at 3 pm in the Parish Center.  Please check the bulletin for the dates of meetings. All grandparents are welcome to join.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS:  This Catholic organization is a service group dedicated to the ideals of charity, fraternity, and patriotism. Its work is to benefit community, Church, and people. The Knights also have many programs to benefit children with disabilities and to help countless others with needs. New members are always welcome.

LITURGY MINISTERS:  Proclaimers - The ministry of the word is an important ministry closely associated with the celebration of the Eucharist. Our proclaimers read the scriptures at Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers-  Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are authorized by the Church to share the Body and Blood of Christ with fellow worshipers.

MARY'S CHILD PRO-LIFE MINISTRY:  Mary's Child Pro-Life Ministry's mission is to uphold the dignity of ALL human Life, from conception to natural death. This ministry does this through efforts to 1) provide prayerful opportunities to support the Gospel of Life, 2) provide education about the many life issues,  3) raise awareness and funds for many local organizations that support women and babies in crisis.  St. Denis Respect Life joins together with five other local parishes to form this unique "regional" group known as Mary's Child Respect Life Ministry.

MEN’S GROUP: The St. Denis Men's Group is a faith study group for Catholic men at the Jersey Shore, coordinated from St. Denis Parish. The group meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month in the Parish Center (2nd floor), from 6-7 pm. For more information contact the Rectory Office at 732-223-0287. 

MIRACULOUS MEDAL DEVOTIONS:  Tuesday mornings after the 7:30 am Mass.

MUSIC MINISTRY:  St. Denis Music Ministry's adult choir sings for scheduled Masses and special services from September through June. Come join the music ministry and sing beautiful music to our Lord. If interested, please see the Director of Music Ministry, Mark Mataranglo after Mass or contact the rectory office.

PRAYER GROUP:  The Prayer Group meets at 12:00 noon each Monday in Saint Denis Church.  There are no meetings on holidays.  New members are always welcome!

RECOVERY MINISTRY:  St. Denis Recovery Ministry offers support and guidance for anyone affected by any type of addiction, whether it be substance or behavioral.  Confidentiality and anonymity are essential components of this ministry.  Addiction need not be shameful.  It is a reality and there is a support system in place at St. Denis to get you and/or your loved one help, support, love and care. 

ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY:  Our active and energetic Vincentians are dedicated to extending help to those in crisis who reside in the areas served by our parish. Meetings are held once a month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. Please see the bulletin for the meeting dates. Information on working with or contributing to the Conference may be found on the St. Vincent de Paul link on the parish website.

USHERS:  At weekend Masses, ushers welcome worshipers and assist them to their seats.  They also take up the collection and distribute the bulletins.

WALKING WITH PURPOSE: (WWP) is a Catholic women’s faith study. It aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church. For more information please contact Allison Penkethman  732.528.4957 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.t

Church of Saint Denis
90 Union Avenue
Manasquan, NJ 08736 - 732-223-0287

Our Lady Star of the Sea Beach Chapel
554 E Main Street
Manasquan, NJ 08736