90 Union Avenue Manasquan, NJ 08736

732-223-0287 - FAX: 732-528-1901


Masses and Liturgical Information

Week Day Masses:    
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:30 am - Church   (no Mass on Thursdays)
Saturday: 8:30 am
Saturday Evening: 4:30 pm (fulfills Sunday obligation) - Church
Sunday: 8:00 am & 9:30am- Church   10:00 am- Our Lady Star of the Sea Beach Chapel
Holy Days:  See bulletin for schedule

Saturdays: 3:30-4:15 pm or by appointment (please call 732-223-0287).

MIRACULOUS MEDAL DEVOTIONS: Tuesday morning after the 7:30 AM Mass - Church

BAPTISM: The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Parents must complete the required preparation with the Pastoral Associate and obtain godparent eligibility letters before a date for Baptism will be given. Please call the rectory for further details.

MARRIAGE: Please contact the rectory office for more information about weddings.  All couples contemplating marriage are asked to give the priests one year prior notice in order that all the requirements for marriage can be satisfied.  Do not reserve the reception hall before contacting the Church; your requested date may not be available.

CARE OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: We will gladly bring Holy Communion to anyone who is ill or otherwise unable to get to Mass. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. The priest, deacons and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion make regular visits to the local hospitals. Please call the rectory if any loved one is hospitalized.

CELIAC SPRUE PARISHIONERS: St. Denis Parish provides a low gluten (<0.01% gluten content) host for those who are gluten-intolerant.

Church of Saint Denis
90 Union Avenue
Manasquan, NJ 08736 - 732-223-0287

Our Lady Star of the Sea Beach Chapel
554 E Main Street
Manasquan, NJ 08736