ST. DENIS PARISH 8TH ANNUAL FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS CELEBRATION ST. DENIS CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Children 5 and older welcome to join and be a part of this pageant. Costumes available.
Friday, December 13, 2024
6:00 pm in the St. Denis Parish Center
Come and celebrate with us the life of St. Nicholas! Games, crafts, refreshments & a vis1t from St Nick
“Camels, Carols and Friendly Beasts”
Saturday, December 21, 2024 during the 4:30PM Mass
All attending can bring the Baby Jesus from your manger for a blessing of the Bambino
Celebration and crafts in the Gathering Space following.
Information and forms in the gathering space and on our parish website by clicking here or call the parish office (732) 223-0287
Location: St. Denis Church Tuesdays, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Until further notice: There will be curbside pick-up of prepackaged food with appropriate social distancing. Questions or special food needs? Please call our hotline number at 732-223-1383
Donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated. Cash and check donations are welcome and can be left in the envelopes with the donated food. Please include “Food Pantry” in the memo section of checks.
Boxed milk (most needed), mac & cheese, ramen noodles, canned fruit, peanut butter, & jelly.
Looking ahead to the Christmas and New Year holidays, we will only be accepting turkey breasts (no whole turkeys due to limited space). Bags for our neighbors will be distributed on Sat 12/21 10-12 noon and Tuesday 12/31 1-3pm. The food pantry will be closed on Tuesday, 12/24.
Monetary contributions are always welcome. Thank you for always being so generous!
Items may be left in the shopping cart in the Gathering Space in the Main Church, or in the plastic box at the Beach Chapel.
**Please Check Expiration Dates***